If you want to lead a complete and carefree life, free of mundane issues of being a woman, check out this page.


Do check out our facebook page for the latest updates, suggestions and little advises and tips not easy to get to know.

Dr Babitha Maturi

An affable, compassionate doctor with several years of experience in helping women live their life full .


Do reach out to us for anything and everything. A simple doubt, a silly thought- Do not hesitate. Reach out to us! There is somebody to answer.

Our story

Parijatham Women wellness clinics is an exclusive gynaecology clinics with a goal to be a single point of contact for all women health issues. We desire to be known as a wellness centre and not a centre for illness.


Dr Babitha Maturi with 2 decades of clinical experience behind her, is well placed to advise us on the nitty gritty of motherhood. Her write ups are illuminating and focussing on the day to day doubts, anxieties and fears.

PCOD (3)-min


Adolescent period, as defined by the government of India ranges from 13- 19 years. Adolescence means “ TO GROW UP”.…

Breast Cysts

CYSTS IN THE BREAST( BREAST CYSTS)  Common non- cancerous breast lumps. These are fluid filled sacs, either single or multiple,…


Breast pain, also known as Mastalgia, is the most common breast-related symptom. Fortunately, breast pain is rarely due to cancer.…
PCOD (9)-min

PCOS – Myths

PCOS is a common disorder in women of the reproductive age group. Disruption of regular ovulation of a healthy egg…
PCOD (7)-min

Pcos – Sleep

A condition that causes brief episodes of apnea ( stopping of breathing – a pause) during sleep.Pauses can last from…
PCOD (6)-min

PCOS – Presentation

PCOS being a life style condition , affects women of all ages starting from Adolescence , reproductive age group, till…
PCOD (4)-min

Pcos Infertility

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a health problem that affects 1 in 10 women of childbearing age. Women with PCOS…
PCOD (3)-min

PCOS Mood Swings

PCOS is characterised by episodes of depression and anxiety.Mostly seen in the premenstrual period. Few signs which the women should…
PCOD (1)-min

PCOS – Facial Hair

Male pattern hair growth is one of the visible and most annoying symptom of PCOS. Hair growth is seen usually…
PCOD (2)-min

Pcos – Acne

Most common presentation of PCOS in adolescents and when in excess causes disfigurement. Some acne get infected causing severe pain,…

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