During pregnancy, an increase in the levels of progesterone hormones occurs that causes the muscles of your body, including the intestinal muscles to relax and slow down. 

With the slowing down of the intestinal muscles, the process of digestion in the pregnant woman’s body too slows down. This results in slow movement of the food through the digestive tract resulting in constipation.

Also, decreased intake of fluids and foods during early weeks of pregnancy due to nausea and vomiting, makes the stool much harder resulting in constipation.

Apart from infrequent bowel movements, constipation can cause

  1. Bloating and stomach discomfort.
  2. Repetitive extreme rectal bleeding
  3. Haemorrhoids or piles
  4. Severe pain in the abdomen
  5. Pain during bowel movements
  6. Pain or discomfort after bowel movements

Simple Remedies @ home :

  1. Fiber: Taking fiber supplements or eating more fibrous foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can increase the number of stools and facilitate their passage through the intestines. 
  2. Fluid: Drinking enough water is important to keep stool soft and easy to pass. You can try adding clear soups, teas, and naturally sweetened fruit or vegetable juices to the diet.

3.   Activity: Being active helps stool move through the intestines. 

      Getting regular exercise, with a   doctor’s approval, can help relieve constipation. 

      If exercising is not a priority or possibility, try to take a gentle walk each day.

4.  Probiotics: Millions of healthy bacteria live in the gut and help it function correctly. 

     Probiotics may help repopulate the gut bacteria with healthy strains that encourage normal 

     and regular bowel movements. Foods high in probiotics include yogurt, idlis and dosas,

     lassi and dhokla.

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