Insomnia during Pregnancy

Insomnia during pregnancy is normal and affects approximately 78% of pregnant women. 

SYMPTOMS of insomnia include difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early or feeling unrefreshed. 

REASON- changing hormone levels. Rising progesterone levels may partly explain excessive daytime sleepiness, especially in the first trimester. 

Hormonal changes may also have an inhibitory effect on muscles, which may result in snoring and in obese women increase the risk of developing sleep apnea and may be partly responsible for the frequent trips to the bathroom during the night.

This is especially true of first time mothers.

Apart from hormonal changes, factors that may make insomnia worse include:


2.Spicy foods, which may cause digestion issues, especially if taken near bedtime


4.Anxiety or depression

5.Physical discomfort

6.Frequent bathroom trips

7.Stress or anxiety about labor, delivery and/or balancing work and motherhood may result in significant sleep loss. 

8.The discomforts of pregnancy such as nausea, back pain and fetal movements may also disturb sleep.

Tips To Reduce Pregnancy Insomnia

1.Do not drink water before sleep time: If your sleep is getting disturbed due to frequent bathroom trips in the night, then limit your intake of fluids before you go to sleep.

2.Limit caffeine intake: Avoid caffeine before bedtime. Tea, coffee, chocolate, and beverages have caffeine content that might keep you active during the night.

3.Drink lots of water during the day: Dehydration could lead to leg cramps, so have enough water during the day. Keeping your body hydrated may help to eliminate toxins.

4.Have a balanced diet: Eat a healthy and balanced diet of organic fruits and vegetables, proteins, good fats, and leafy greens and vitamin B-rich foods. The deficiency of vitamin B6 could also lead to insomnia. Also, leg cramps associated with insomnia could be due to insufficient intake of some nutrients, especially magnesium.

5.Aim to exercise for at least 30-minutes every day. Talk to your doctor for guided exercise. You may walk or enroll in specialized swimming or prenatal yoga or pregnancy exercise classes. Exercising releases hormones in the body and could help lower the risk of anxiety and depression.

6.A warm bath is relaxing and refreshing and promotes a good night’s sleep. It may also help reduce pregnancy pains and aches.

7.Write a to-do list: Create a schedule and stick to it. Having a rigid plan might help you to be in control and lower stress levels and could promote peaceful sleep.

8. If you are worried, stressed, or anxious, talk about it with your partner or with anyone you are comfortable talking. Talking about your feelings may lighten the burden and keep your stress levels under control. Have a support system of people that may reassure you and help you in need.

9.Pillows for comfort: You may use extra pillows to support your bump, and in between your knees for a comfortable night’s sleep. Invest in a pregnancy pillow, which is specifically designed to support pregnant women.

10. If you are not able to sleep, get off the bed and try reading a book, listening to music, or doing anything else that could make you feel drowsy. Also, gentle yoga and relaxation exercises might make you feel sleepy.

11.Sleep at different intervals: Take naps during the daytime whenever possible. Go to bed early, or sleep for extended hours in the morning. This may help you to make up for the sleep you lost during the night.

12.Stay away from electronic gadgets: Electronic screens and devices might affect your mind by interrupting your sleep pattern. They emit blue light that could interfere with your sleep cycle. The signals from blue light keep you awake and stressed, and therefore it is better to stay away from light rays after sunset.

13.Visualization exercise: Lie down in a cozy place and think that you are in a beautiful location, such as the countryside or the beach. Breathe deeply and focus on your exhalation. As you breathe, your body and mind relax, which could promote sleep.

14.Try new sleeping positions.

15.Set up your room for a comfortable sleep setting. Try changing your thermostat to a comfortable temperature and playing some relaxing or natural sounds that can help make you sleepy.

16.Try relaxation techniques, such as the ones you may have learned in a childbirth class.

17.If you have the opportunity to sleep during the day, you should take it. However, long naps may interfere with your sleeping schedule at night.

18.Have a balanced diet

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