Fatigue during First Trimester

It’s completely normal for a pregnant woman to feel fatigued, especially during the first and third trimesters. Fortunately, this is normal. It’s a signal from your body to slow down and give it time to adjust to the incredible changes happening inside.

One of the first signs of pregnancy is fatigue. Beginning as early as conception and implantation, pregnancy hormones, especially  the progesterone, instantly affect your body, mood, metabolism, brain, physical appearance, and sleep pattern which in turn cause fatigue.

In addition to hormonal changes, physical and emotional changes also lower your energy levels and make you feel fatigued.

Women who usually need only 6 hours of sleep at night often find they need nearly double that during these first weeks of pregnancy. And, for others, daytime tiredness is paired with trouble sleeping deeply or for more than a few hours at night. Nausea and vomiting can also drain your energy.

In addition, as blood volume increases to supply the developing placenta and fetal circulation, your heart pumps faster and stronger. This results in faster pulse and breathing rates.

 Low iron levels can sometimes make you tired, as well, although this is more common in later pregnancy.

What can you do to feel better?

1.Good nutrition and eating small, frequent, healthy meals can keep you going and can also help with nausea.

2.If you’re at work ,try some stretches or deep breathing exercises. Or get up and walk around the office or take a break outside. 

3.When you can, go for a brisk walk around the block. A little exercise can energize you and may help you rest better when you do get to sleep.

4.Adapt your sleep habits. Take naps, if possible, during the day. You may also want to try going to bed earlier.

5.Drink enough fluids during the day and little several hours before bedtime. This may help you avoid having to get up to urinate during the night.

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