There are many possible causes of thick white discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy. Most of the times it is normal, but it could also indicate something serious.

1. Leucorrhoea:

The most common reason of increased white discharge during pregnancy in second trimester is leucorrhoea. It is normal and happens to many women. This is the same white discharge seen before your periods. The only difference is it is thicker and more in amount.

Leucorrhoea is a thick white discharge with a mild smell, made up of secretions from the cervix and vagina.

During pregnancy, the estrogen production in your body increases causing a greater flow of blood to the vagina. As a result , more mucus is produced from the cervical glands. This then comes out of the vagina as a white discharge.

This white discharge is important because it protects the developing baby by maintaining a healthy balance of helpful good bacteria in the birth canal and vaginal area

Other causes of vaginal discharge are:

2 .Yeast Infection:

If you experience vaginal itching and a burning sensation during urination along with a thick, white discharge resembling cottage cheese, then it might be the sign of a yeast infection in your vagina.

Yeast infection is common in women but the chance of infection increases during pregnancy as the hormonal changes alter the vaginal pH making it more susceptible.

 It is not dangerous and doesn’t harm the baby.

3. Sexually Transmitted Infections:

Sexually Transmitted Infections are bacterial or viral infections transmitted through genital, oral or anal sex. It causes a yellow or white discharge ,with a foul smell and pain during sex and urination.

Sexually Transmitted Infections are harmful to you and your baby and require immediate treatment. The most common STI is gonococcal infection.

In most cases, these infections can be treated with antibiotics.

Whenever there is  white discharge with a foul smell or is associated with itching, consult your doctor immediately


4 .Bacterial Vaginosis:

Bacterial Vaginosis is caused by an imbalance in the normal bacteria present in a the vagina.

It is commonly presents as greenish vaginal discharge associated with itching and foul smell.

Bacterial vaginosis is a serious concern during pregnancy. It leads to an increased risk of preterm birth or miscarriage thus needs immediate medical attention.


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