Different types of dreams occur during pregnancy, and maximum amount of dreaming takes place during this period in a woman’s life.

Some of the dreams are even beautiful like dreams about birthdays, holidays or ceremonies.

Dreams during pregnancy echo the changing condition of the women, the baby growing within them, and their hopes and fears.

These dreams are normal, for many women,  but in some , they can cause worry.

Dream recall during pregnancy is greater in many pregnant women.

Dreams may be a way for our subconscious to work through issues that are currently on our mind. The content of your dreams may help you identify areas with which you’re especially preoccupied.

Many pregnant women report pregnancy-related dreams like being pregnant or dream that they are meeting their baby for the first time. Many mothers even dream about the sex of the baby.

Pregnant mothers who feel more anxious or depressed during the day are more likely to experience bad dreams.


1.Maintain a regular sleep/wake cycle. Making sure that you’re going to bed and waking up at the same time every day (including weekends) makes you feel more awake and alert during the day.

2.Exercise regularly. Unless your doctor advises against it, regular exercise should be done at least 30 minutes a day. This lets out any pent up energy ,will increase circulation, improve mood, and help you fall asleep easier at night.No vigorous exercise should be done too close to bedtime. If you prefer to workout later in the day, some light exercises such as yoga are recommended.

3.Cutdown fluids at night. It’s very important to stay hydrated during pregnancy, but to help reduce late night trips to the bathroom avoid drinking large amounts at bedtime.

4.Avoid Spicy Foods and heavy meals before bedtime. Eating spicy foods before bedtime can increase the chances and severity of heartburn at night. Eating heavy meals before bedtime makes the body work harder during sleep to digest your food, distracting it from working on the repairs your body needs for the next day’s activities. If you’re feeling hungry close to bedtime, try eating a light snack such as a banana, cheese, or a small bowl of cereal.

5.Sleep on your left side. During the third trimester, it is recommended to sleep on your left side. This increases the flow of blood and nutrients to the fetus, uterus, and kidneys. Also, try to avoid sleeping on your back for extended periods of time as it may cause back muscle spasms.

6.Use pillows. Special pregnancy pillows can help for nighttime comfort. Another pillow tip to reduce back pain is to lay on your left side with hips and knees bent and place pillows between your knees, under your abdomen, and behind your back.

7.Get out of bed when having trouble sleeping. Don’t lie in bed for the sleep to come. Get out of bed and do another relaxing activity such as reading, writing, take a warm bath, or any other relaxing activity before returning to bed.

8.Take short naps during the day. Naps are usually not advised as they disturb regular sleep cycles making going to sleep at night more difficult. However, studies have shown that napping while pregnant can be beneficial. However, if you choose to nap make sure they’re no more than 20-30 minutes long, and don’t nap too close to bedtime.

If you still have trouble with sleeping, talk with your doctor about other alternatives.

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