What are the symptoms of COVID 19 infection and are they different in pregnant women?Usually healthy pregnant women have no particularly higher risks of coronavirus compared to other healthy adults.

Most of the

healthy pregnant women, if get infected, may have only mild or moderate cold/flu like symptoms but co-morbid conditions like diabetes, hypertension, obesity, respiratory disease, etc., can worsen symptoms due to weakened and compromised immune state.

The symptoms could be:

Flu-like symptoms – cough, sore throat, fever, difficulty in breathing, etc.

Pneumonia, hypoxia (reduced oxygen levels) – In case of already existing medical problems like diabetes, asthma.

Fatigue, uneasiness, body ache nausea, and diarrhoea – Especially in immune-compromised and elderly pregnant women.

what steps should I follow if I get sick from COVID 19 during pregnancy?

First thing you should do when you feel sick from COVID 19, is self-monitor and report if symptoms arise.

After you report to the hospital, you will be tested, isolated in the hospital and further kept under observation and treated as per your symptoms by the healthcare team.

Is it safe to deliver in hospital during COVID 19 pandemic?

Yes, it is. In all circumstances, your maternity care providers may continue to provide you required care and support and the procedure goes as usual with special sterilisation and hygiene measures.

However, birth attendants should be limited to only one person.

Is it fine to allow visitors to meet my newborn baby at home?

It is advised to minimise visitors (and only 1 attendant with patient) from coming to meet the mother and newborn after delivery.

Are there any effects of breastfeeding during COVID 19 infection?

As per the currently available data, there is no evidence that COVID-19 is secreted in breast milk and can be transmitted (spread) to the newborn from infected mother.

The main risk for infants of breastfeeding is coming in close contact with the mother, who is also likely to share infective airborne droplets.

Therefore, the mother should take few precautions to limit the infection spread:

  • Hand-wash before touching the baby, breast or bottles.
  • Use face-mask whenever coming in contact with the baby.



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