COVID 19 is a novel strain of coronavirus (SARS-COV-2) which is responsible for the worldwide pandemic.

COVID 19 strain of coronavirus is transmitted mainly through droplets and fomites (objects such as clothes, utensils, and furniture).

People of all ages can be infected by the new coronavirus. Older people, and people with pre-existing medical conditions (such as asthma, COPD, diabetes, and heart disease) appear to be more vulnerable to develop severe complications when infected with COVID 19.

DO’S and DONT’S for pregnant mothers:

Pregnant women are advised to follow the Five principles to prevent themselves from COVID 19 infection. The principle elements of this are:


Stay at home unless there is any medical urgency.

Prefer tele-consultations especially for routine hospital visits and minor queries.

Avoid/ Restrict home visitors including housekeeping staff, maids, cooks, etc., if possible.


Frequent hand wash for a minimum 20 seconds, using soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub.

3.COVERING mouth and nose with bent elbow, or tissue whenever you cough or sneeze and dispose the tissue immediately.

4.AVOID unnecessary touching of face, eyes, nose and mouth with hands.

5.MAINTAINING social distance of at least 2 meters with person inside or outside the house.

ADDITIONAL general measures:

Work from home, when possible.

Maintain at least two metre distance with other people

Avoid crowded places- malls/ markets, lift etc.

Travelling should be avoided; if needed then prefer using private vehicle but if public transport is used, maintain distance.

Avoid gatherings and functions for any kind of celebrations.

Minimise visitors coming to meet the mother and new-born after delivery.


As per the current data available, pregnant women do not seem to be at higher risk or more unwell than other healthy adults if they are infected with COVID-19.

If it occurs also, then most of the pregnant women might experience only mild or moderate cold/flu like symptoms.


Most of the otherwise healthy pregnant women, if get infected by coronavirus, may experience only mild or moderate cold/flu like symptoms.

But if there are any co-morbid conditions like diabetes, hypertension, obesity, respiratory disease, etc. the symptoms could be severe especially respiratory symptoms due to compromised immune state.

Does coronavirus affect the developing baby?

Most of the studies suggest that the infection is not transmitted from the mother to child.

The risk of passing the infection from mother to the baby seems to be very low.

There have been recent studies showing that babies born to infected mothers were not found to be positive for corona virus after birth. However, a few case reports mention about the born babies to be infected but the source of infection couldn’t be confirmed whether they acquired infection after birth or in the womb, as the new-borns were tested when they were days old.

Currently, there is no evidence of any adverse effects on baby’s development if the mother is infected COVID-19.

During pregnancy what care should be taken while visiting hospital?

Asymptomatic and uninfected woman – Advised to defer routine visits.

For minor ailments and questions – Prefer tele consultation or video calling.

The essential milestone visits:

• Minimal antenatal visits during pregnancy

1st visit: Within 12 weeks—preferably as soon as pregnancy is


2nd visit: Between 14 and 26 weeks

3rd visit: Between 28 and 34 weeks

4th visit: Between 36 weeks and term

• Additional ANC visit may be planned at the discretion of the maternal care provider.

What care should be taken at home while pregnant during COVID 19 pandemic?

The preventive measures remain the same for all and everywhere, whether at home or going outside/travelling.

Social distancing, using face masks, frequent hand wash, including the general measures .

Diet recommendations to prevent from coronavirus infection?

Currently, there are no specific diet recommendations or guidelines to prevent against coronavirus infection.

Diet modifications could be beneficial for pregnant women who are at risk such as diabetic, obese or other metabolic diseases to especially lower the risk.

Also, no evidences have been found stating that meat, chicken or eggs consumption may increase risk of acquiring COVID-19 infection.

A diet rich in proteins, vitamins and micronutrients to be consumed instead of junk, fried food.

Addition of nutritious and healthy items into diet should be considered such as citrus fruits, ginger, garlic, broccoli, turmeric, spinach etc;.This helps to boost up body’s immune system and reduce any infection risk.

But during pregnancy, any diet modifications should always be consulted first with your doctor and then followed as per your body’s needs.

Care during travelling while pregnant during COVID 19 pandemic?

It is advised to avoid any kind of non-essential travel, especially if you are pregnant.

But if travel is must, it is preferable to use a private vehicle.

If public transport is used, distance should be maintained.

Along with maintaining social distance, keep your face & mouth covered.

Avoid unnecessary touching of face, eyes and mouth.





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